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The Eclipse™ is designed specifically for electric and gas utility, pipeline construction, and petrochemical workers.

PVC on Nomex® with Reflective Trim - Flame*, Arc**, & Flash Fire*** Resistant.

* Flame resistant. Self extinguishing with flameout and afterglow less than or equal to 2 seconds after removal of ignition source and char length less than 6 inches. Test method ASTM D6413.
** Arc Resistant. Meets ASTM F1891 requirements for Arc Thermal performance. For Arc data please contact Customer Service.
*** Flash Fire Resistant. Meets ASTM F2733 requirements for flash fire rainwear on jacket and overall styles only.
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Eclipse Overalls

From $183.44 - $204.68

Eclipse Jacket

From $345.74 - $366.98

Eclipse Jacket

From $345.74 - $366.98